Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Just talking

hello all :
Sorry for not writing for long time ,because I am busy with the study , which is very difficut this year , we have 7 subjects and each of them is a bulky one , and need hard studying ..

I am fine ,but litle depressed because I am studying very much ,and my mark are not so high , in relation to my hard studying . so I lost the force for hard studying after mid year .!!

about the situation in Mosul is very bad ,the kidnapping and killing re appear after it disapear for a period of time , and also the theives ( who enter the houses to steel or/ and may kill the pwner of house ) also re apear , so WE ARE UNSAFE IN OUT OWN HOUSES !!!! . so we can go ? if our own house is unsafe place !!

On the 7/3/2010 , it was the day of voting ,it is the second time , that I can vote ,because now I am above 18 years . Actually I hate politics , and I dont want my head to ache me because of it , I thought not to go to the election , but then I thoght they may play with my paper and fill it with a person that we never want him .. !! so I went and gige my vote to a person after I read his C.V. on the net ,and I saw that he is an active person and has nice projects ..

I am thinking of a project to help the poor and sich projact ,afer I ' ll complet the plan of the project ,I 'll post it because this project need the nice and best peaple like you .
see you


Leish said...

Salaam, I am a research scientist trying to understand Iraqi bloggers. I would appreciate your participation by emailing me your responses to leishiraqia[@]

Your blog identity:
Is your blog name the same your true identity? Why?

Do you only blog in English? Why?

Did you blog about the Iraqi elections in 2010? Why?

Thank you very much for participating.

egywbas said...

عائشة أمي | منتدي اسلامي | عائشةمنتدي | عائشةام المؤمنين | عائش أمي | عائشة أم المؤمنين | عائشة | منتدي عائشة أمي | عائشة امي | عائشة امي | امي | عائشة امي | موقع ومنتدى أمى عائشة
منتدى ايجى وبس | منتدي وبس | ايجي وب | عائشة امي | منتدي اجتماعي | اجتماعي | منتديات ايجي | ايجي وبس | وبس | ايجي بس | منتدي ايجي | ايجي افلام | ايجي | ايجي | فداها | ابوبكر الصديق | عمر ابن الخطاب | معجزات | معجزات قرانية | ايجي | ايجي | ايجي | ايجي | ايجي | ايجي |