Tuesday, July 08, 2008

What am I now ...??

Dear all readers , how are you ? hope all are fine .

I am sure that all of you are angery of me becasue I didn't write to you for a longe time , but I was really busy with the college and the study ,. After I finished the 6th grade and get a high score that I can enter any college I want ,I chose the Medicine college , It is the one that suitable for me in every thing , the first thing is my father ,my mother and my big brother (who graduated this year ) are doctors ,so they can help me in the study and advice me and direct me to the right way , the second thing that this college is where my father works (he is a professor there) so my parents can be untrouble about me , .

I always thank God that I have a brother in the college because I can tell him the dificulties that I face it and all things ,and he gives me the advises from his experiance in the college..

(so I decided to change my nick name to Dr.Human )

Now I'll tell the subjects that we studied in this year :

1/ Anatomy :it is the most important subject in this year ,and it is the most difficult on to most students ,but for me it was not , I really enjoy study it ,we study all parts of the body in all its datails ,we have also clinical part of it ,we enter the lab. and study on corpses , the docotors of anatomy explaines to us first and then the students began to explain to each other , in this year we took ( Upper limb ,Lower Limb and Thorax ) and we will continue in the 2nd grade ( The Abdomen ,Head & Neak and pelvis )

2/ Biology : in this subject we studied the contents of the cell and the type of the cells and all things about living system ,like muscular tissues and nervous tissues ,& also there is clinical part that we enter the lab. and see by microscopes all the cells and all the tisseus .

3/Physics: we studied in it the physics of the body like forces and tension ,and the medical application on the body , the mechanism of all instruments work on tha body .

4/Chemistry : it is really nice but difficult , in this we studied all material in the body and all its reaction in the living system , like Protien ,lipid ,nucliec acid ,enzymes , i liked it very much.

5/ Physiology : in this we study the physiology of the human body ,like movement of fluid ,the action of muscles , the action of the nerves ( in the central nervous system ) , it is like an introduction to the great science of Physiology which we will take it in the 2nd grade ..

6/Foundation in medicine : in this we took the latine language which still use now a days in the treatment and dignosis , and also we took the development of the word HEALTH and Disease along the centuries . and also we took the alternative medicine which is active till now ..

7/Human Rights : in this we took the human rights in all cultures ( off course not iraq !! because the human in it deos not have any small rights ,, actually I was wandering why we study it ,if we don't have it in our country !!) and also we took it the rights of muslims to the non muslims people ..

8/Computer : we took in it the most popular programs we used in the computer like power point ,word ,front page ,,,ect ..

It is really new life in the college , I liked it ...

Note : I tried to write you this post before several days , but I had a problem in my computer ,and I fixed it ,,Thanks God ..

See YOU soon ..


David said...

Hi Dr. Maas,

I was happy to see your comment and your new post. :) I have been wondering how you were doing.

I have a lot of doctors in my family too, including both my parents, an aunt, and three cousins. However, I never wanted to become a doctor. Maybe because everyone asked me if I wanted to be a doctor. ;)

It is interesting that you are taking courses in college that are directly related to medicine. In the U.S. things are done differently. Here, a person interested in studying medicine must first earn a 4 year college degree. Typically, such a college student might major (representing maybe one third of all college classes) in biology or biochemistry. A person interested in psychiatry would probably major in psychology (this was my first major). Generally the student must also choose a minor (about half as many courses as a major, the minor I chose to go with my psychology degree was cultural anthropology). The rest of the college classes can be almost anything. There are generally some basic requirements that must be fulfilled. For example, I had to take two courses in composition, two courses in literature, two courses in math, and two courses in science. I wasn't that interested in composition or literature (although I like to write and love to read some books), so I just took the minimum required. However, I took a lot of extra math and science classes.

Ok, after a prospective medical student graduates the 4 year college, then she or he will go to another 4 years in medical school. There the student will study much the same things that you are studying now.

After graduating medical school here, the person is now called a doctor, but the education is not finished. The person must complete two years of internship, during which the person rotates between different medical specialties. Then the person chooses a specialty and must complete several years of residency to master the knowledge of that specialty. So, in the U.S. becoming a doctor is a very time consuming process! I am sure it is in Iraq too, but it sounds like you combine college and medical school into only 4 years instead of 8 years.

Congratulations Maas on completing your first year in the medical college! I hope you will have some fun during your vacation. Please don't ignore your blog for so long. I would like to hear your news more often. :)

Take care.

Hadia ( pseudoname) said...

dear Dr. human
I am happy to see you blogging again, and I am sure that you will be a good Dr in the future.
Best wishes from me to you
And congratulation my friend


Dr.Human said...

Welcome david ,nice to see you in my blog..
" " After graduating medical school here, the person is now called a doctor, but the education is not finished. The person must complete two years of internship, during which the person rotates between different medical specialties. Then the person chooses a specialty and must complete several years of residency to master the knowledge of that specialty. ""
well,,this is the same we have after graduation..
but you know , although the medical way is longer than other way , but it still nice ,and you have many choices in it , I mean you have many specialties .
Actually I like my college , and when I visit othar colleges , I thank God that I am in the medical college ...

woow HNK in my blog .. Ya marhaba ya marhaba (welcome )

Thanks My dear Friend .I hope that our marks will be better next year inshallah ..